Thursday, November 1, 2012

10-31 and 11-01

Homework: Packet 177-180
Students must show work and have the following in their answer.
Write answer as a compound inequality
Graph Compound Inequality
Tell whether it is an AND or OR Ineqaulity statement

Students Recieved report cards today and they should have their last Quiz in their binder that was worth 200 points. If the student made a 100 or below out of 200, They should rework the problems they missed on seperate paper for me to regrade and come in for tutoring.I will allow them to earn half points back for the ones they missed if worked correctly! I am now offering tutoring during first lunch and in the morning from 8-8:30. We can no longer hold back the whole class due to our rigorous pacing guide and State expectations for a few struggling and it is not the majority that are struggling.

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