Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Algebra 1 Help!

Dear Parents and Students,
I want you to know just how excited I am to be teaching your lovely children. We are moving quickly and there is so much to cover this year. Please use this website to help your child study! We have so many things to cover this year with common core and the old Algebra 1 state SLE's. I hope this website dedicated to our classes helps. I will start posting work assignments on here as well. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need anything. We have covered so far a lot and we have so much further to go! I will be starting back the early morning tutoring from 8-8:30 next week. Please feel free to drop your child off at the gate in the back so they can come straight to my portable for tutoring in the morning. Also please have you child wait outside my door if by some chance I am not there. Sometimes I have to run to a quick errand and am right back after I run that quick errand. Your child is awesome lets give them the extra help by studying over these pages. If you need extra problems to practice with just let me know and I will give you some websites that will give additional practice. If you feel the pace is moving to quickly in this class the only thing I can do is recommend a move to the double block class. I am pacing according to all the standards we have to meet every nine weeks. Please also make sure you child does not miss school. Missing one day of Algebra 1 is like missing 4 days of middle school math. It is hard to catch up. All missed tests will need to be made up in the morning or at lunch. Please ask your child to schedule a make up date and it will have to be made up within 2 days of the absence. If I teach your child something in class it is expected that they are understanding it and studying unless they are asking questions and coming to tutoring. I am very proud of these ladies and gentleman I have this year and I know you are too! Thanks again!
Lorraine Gordon
National Board Certified Teacher
Early Adolescence Mathematics

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